Biotechnology, Nutritional Supplements
Nutrition 21 is is a leader in the nutritional supplement industry. With years of biotechnology and pharmaceutical experience, Nutrition 21’s scientific platform has created unique, patented products that are both safe and clinically effective. Nutrition 21 currently holds over 100 domestic and international issued and pending patents supporting the unique claims for its products. Currently, they focus on 5 primary ingredients: Nitrosigine®, Lepidamax™, Chromax®, Velositol®, and nooLVL™.
Nutrition 21 is in a very unique position, being that they are strictly a B2B company with their line of patented ingredients that are used in mainstream nutrition productions, but they are not directly selling anything to the consumer. What ultimately drives their supply and demand is the success of the products that their ingredients are in. This results in Nutrition 21 needing to indirectly market themselves. Over the years, this has created an incredibly strong, symbiotic relationship between Nutrition 21 and their partners.
Taking this unique position in mind and creating a cutting-edge social media marketing strategy around it, Nicklaus Marketing created a comprehensive plan to develop a strong foundation for the value that Nutrition 21 ingredients bring to the table while orchestrating that with product posts that consumers can directly be actionable on. These product posts required Nicklaus Marketing to work closely with compliance teams within both Nutrition 21 and their partners to ensure that each company is being accurately and properly represented in a way that coheres with their brand guidelines while still being reminiscent of Nutrition 21. All content mirrors the pioneer heart of Nutrition 21 along with taking a biotechnology company to apply and relate directly to the bodybuilding industry while still targeting key decision-makers in large corporations.
Nicklaus Marketing also established a clear, recognizable face for each ingredient and connected that face to hard, factual claims that speak to the benefit of adopting that ingredient into your diet as a consumer. This groundwork has been accepted by the company in an overwhelmingly positive way and is being worked into all marketing materials for each ingredient moving forward. This will be implemented on social media platforms beginning in February of 2020.
Although Nicklaus Marketing did not create the website, marketing collateral was designed based off of Nutrition 21’s new brand guidelines to help strengthen the company from the inside out. This collateral included pitch decks, social media profile graphics to be used by internal sales teams, service offerings, and other items that better enable their team to communicate their brand cohesively and effectively to both potential and current clients.
Ultimately, Nicklaus Marketing has helped Nutrition 21 establish a more defined and impactful consumer-facing presence, has bolstered the communication of value both internally and externally, has helped shape their social media marketing strategy for long-term success, and has strengthened their partner relationships through dynamic social campaigns.